
Let's get to work, writer! :)

Looking for thoughts on your under-750-word (outside of backmatter or art notes) picture book manuscript?

Maybe you are new to picture book writing–or are experienced but looking at a particular manuscript with “not so new” eyes?

Whatever the case, Hello–and Welcome!

I’d love to help! Click here to fill out this short online form to get started!

Once your project is accepted, I’ll invoice you for your selected service. You can send me payment (via Paypal invoice, which allows you to pay several ways) and your manuscript pages. Then we can do one of three things:

$50 – “The Big Picture”: This is a slightly less in-depth version of my full picture book critique, but don’t let that fool you as to its value. It’s a great option for anyone who feels stuck or unsure about sellability, or who wants to get some help thinking through the most crucial aspects of any picture book: the concept/premise, basic structure, character cast and/or development, POV…aka, the bigger picture stuff. You can expect a page of feedback with this option, written as a Word .doc response to my reading(s) and highlighting any big-picture missed opportunities I identify.

$75 – “The Deep Dive”: For this option, I will use Word to make in-line comments directly on your manuscript; these suggestions may include (but are not limited to) clarifications you might consider, words you might cut, questions a reader might have, grammar, wordplay or humor suggestions, and more. It’s basically The Big Picture plus a marked-up manuscript. You can expect a page of “big picture” feedback with this option, plus your manuscript with in-line comments (varies, but I always err on sharing too many rather than too few).

$50 – “The Coffee Chat”: This is a 30 min. Zoom-or-Google Meetups-only version of a chat, which we can record or not (depending on your preference; recorded sessions run an additional $10). This is an excellent option for those who may want to talk through a new version of a previously critiqued manuscript, who want just my first impressions of your read-aloud (by you) manuscript, or who have kidlit-related questions or concerns (which I will do my very best to answer in the time we have). We can talk publishing, career, agent querying (in general), or whatever else you would like about the picture book industry.

Optional add-ons, including a 15-minute mini chat (to follow either of the written feedback options), as well as recorded Zoom options, are available.

Please note that I cannot/will not:

😔 Write or revise your manuscript, query, or pitch

😔 Give an agent or editor referral

😔 Give detailed feedback on back matter—though I’m happy to give big-picture feedback (and won’t count it in the 750-word limit)

😔 Give detailed meter notes on rhyming stories—though I’m happy to give overall feedback and note where I think the meter is off

😔 Assume my suggestions are the only issues, or way to address issues I may perceive—as always, use any notes that resonate with you and Marie Kondo the rest!

😔 Consent for any recorded chats to be shared or posted

However, I will happily:

😃 Provide professional feedback; for the written critique options, you can be sure I will read your story more than once and think about it hard!

😃 Point out or diagnose any issues I perceive

😃 Help pinpoint the “next steps” you might take in creating a stronger manuscript—this may or may not mean it would be submission-ready upon revision!—however, helping you get it much closer to submission-ready IS my goal

😃 Provide my critique within two weeks (or set up a time to chat with you within one week) of accepting your project and receiving payment.

😃 Endeavor to provide comps and/or possible mentor texts as I am able (keeping in mind I, sadly, have not read every picture book out there yet)

I look forward to helping you with your story! Thank you for considering working with me. 😊

P.S. If you wonder if we have similar picture book tastes, here are some picture books I adore!!